Rekindling reading relationships

Parent Perspective: Misty

by | Aug 12, 2021 | Parent Perspective | 0 comments

Growing up, I was always an excellent student but reading was never something I did for pleasure. In fact, it often stressed me out. If we were reading aloud in class I would try to count the paragraphs to pre-read my part before it was my turn. One particular moment in high school, when I nervously read “bowel” instead of “bowl” in front of my class, is burned in my memory. My face was hot as I uncomfortably joined my classmates in laughter at my mistake. I wish I could say I love reading, but I don’t. 

Fast forward 20 plus years and I am the mom of 4 boys. As they grow up, I am hopeful they will all enjoy reading more than I do. Aside from mandatory reading before doing X, Y, or Z, we have found a few things that have helped foster their literary interests.

Bedtime is always a challenge, to put it nicely. However, when we pull up a chair and sit outside their rooms and read for all of them to hear, they often settle in and eagerly listen. It is fun for them to discuss each night what the last thing was that they remembered from the night before, so we can start the book in the right spot. We have gotten through several books this way and need to pick it back up as schedules settle into more of a routine.

My favorite audience is a captive audience. We find ourselves on road trips often and great things happen in the car: car games, exploring the meaning of life, talks about the birds and the bees, and audiobooks. Audiobooks have been a game changer. After listening to one book in a series, my boys are often more likely to pick up the next one because their interest has been piqued. Audiobooks are a great way to introduce kids to something they may not have otherwise given a chance.

The number one thing I have discovered that helps my kids find their own love for reading is to abandon what I think they should read and let them take the lead. We have read books about dinosaurs, natural disasters, world records, fantasy, historical fiction, and of course the occasional book about boogers, flatulence, and how to identify wild animals from their poop. As long as the books aren’t inappropriate and it’s something they will pick up on their own, I call it a win!

I am happy to say, it looks like we are well on our way to having children who enjoy reading more than their mother does! We still implement mandatory reading times, but several of our kids can be found with their reading light and a book after we have said goodnight, and it makes my heart smile.

Thanks, Misty

Misty and I grew up together in the same town. We attended the same schools and the same church. So it was only fitting to find her in one of my university classes, too. Only that time she was the T.A. We delivered babies on the same day in the same hospital. She lovingly shuffled down the hall to visit me that evening. Now we both live about half an hour from our hometown, our husbands work for the same employer, and our oldest boys have enjoyed being in classes together. I love being in the school of life with her and appreciate any time we’re able to get together! Thank you for sharing your family’s reading experiences with us, Misty!



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