Rekindling reading relationships

Parent Perspective: Melinda

by | Apr 15, 2021 | Parent Perspective | 1 comment

Bedtime was always a special time at our house. We had two bedrooms separated by a door. There were between six and eight children gathered in there at a time. Their dad would sit between the rooms, reading a chapter book. The kids looked forward to each night’s reading. One book that sticks out in our minds is The Trumpeter of the Swan. Those were magic times, when the girls were able to bond with their dad. I also read with them during the day, but they found it necessary to nudge me to keep me awake. Nonetheless, reading was an important part of our household, and a time the children cherished. 

When I went on to teach reading at the local junior high school, it was appalling to see children from seventh to ninth grades who couldn’t read a level one book. Through the reading program Read Right, the other teaching assistants and I were able to help the kids become more familiar with words, sentences, and how they all go together. They were taught how to read using one’s natural voice, as though one was speaking. It was a joy to assist students with learning difficulties and watch them grow. As I checked on the students when they were in high school, I learned that reading had become a delight to them and no longer a drag. Reading improves vocabulary and language, so intervention is never too late.

I have always believed that intelligence and reading go hand-in-hand. The more curious a person is about life, the more books he will read. Ergo, the more intelligent he will become. Take every advantage to read with your children. Even when they are in the womb they listen. And they will love it. Nurture the time you have with your children well, because they will represent you and your teachings. As a mother of 10 and grandmother of 26, I can attest to the miracles which occur through a parent reading with a child. I’ve seen each one of my children establish a well-rounded reading program with their children. I am extremely pleased. Remember, you are influencing future generations! Good luck, all you wonderful parents out there!

Thanks, Mom

When I was a child, it was pretty easy to locate my mom any time of day. She was either praying on her knees by her bed, or reading newspapers or novels at the kitchen table. Of course she spent loads of time cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry, but those other images left a deeper impression on me. Mom started volunteering at the junior high my first year there. While there were definitely some embarrassing moments, for the most part I was happy to know she was helping my peers. She worked as a paraeducator for 10 years and would have liked to work 10 more if it didn’t take everything she had to fight cancer. Thank you, Mom, for sharing your love of learning, particularly through reading. It continues to have an impact on me today as I see you and Dad swapping books like they are a delicious dessert that just has to be tasted.

tawny ember

1 Comment

  1. Emily Provost

    Thank you Melinda for sharing! I love your desire to read too! That picture of you and your children is so precious! I sure love ya! ❤️☺️


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