Rekindling reading relationships

Parent Perspective: Jeana

by | Jul 15, 2021 | Parent Perspective | 2 comments

The joy I find in reading is how it connects us to one another. Bonds are created either through chemistry with the characters on the pages or the closeness of snuggling up with someone you love to find out what will happen next.

When I was a little girl, my father would read to me every night from the same set of storybooks. My favorites included The Donkeyskins, The Three Dogs, and The Ogre’s Three Golden Hairs. The books were large, very old, and extremely tattered, but that didn’t matter. I loved hearing my dad read them to me, because he brought the stories to life through his animated voice and actions, and my imagination would race as I examined the beautifully detailed illustrations.

These books were so dear to my childhood that when I started a family of my own, my father gifted me a few of the books, which are no longer in print. Over the years, my husband and I have found other books of this long lost series to add to our collection. My children, especially my daughter, adore these books, and feel a special connection to their grandfather as I read in the same animated way.

In November 2020, my father passed away, but through these beautiful stories there is a part of him that will never leave us.

Thanks, Jeana

Jeana is a wonderful friend we met through church. She possesses an incredible singing voice, a stunning smile, and a heart of gold. We have been the recipients of her caring service many times. She homeschools her two children and has shared her talents for music in various impressive productions. Jeana, thank you for sharing these touching thoughts on reading with your family!



  1. Sari Payne

    Jeana- I really enjoyed reading your post about the memories you have of your Dad reading to you as a child. And not only that, but that you remember the titles of the books he read to you. What a special gift he gave you! It truly is a touching sight to see/hear when a dad is reading to their children (and they actually enjoy it). Someday, I would LOVE to see your collection of the books your Dad gave to you. They sound intriguing!

    • tawnyember

      I’d like to see them, too, Sari! Old children’s books seem to hold magic for me.


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