Rekindling reading relationships

Parent Perspective: Emily

by | Jul 8, 2021 | Parent Perspective | 2 comments

I’ve never been much of a reader. In fact, I would only read if it was an assignment for school, or if it was necessary for work. It has always been hard for me to create an image in my head of what I am reading, as well as comprehend it. My mind wanders off in its own thoughts when I try to read.  

I’ve often wondered why that is, because my parents are avid readers, and I know that my siblings enjoy reading as well. I’m not sure what happened to me. 

Things changed, however, when I accepted a job to work as a library assistant at an elementary school. I know, I know . . . what the heck was I thinking, accepting work at a library when I didn’t even like to read? My thoughts exactly.  

My first duty was to put away all the books that kids had returned. I was fulfilling my responsibilities without thinking anything would ever interest me. It was just a job, and I would keep it at that. However, something happened. My curiosity began as I looked at the front covers of the books I was putting away. I became interested.  

After four months of working there, I finally checked out my first children’s book. It was called The Man Who Walked Between the Two Towers, a true story of a Frenchman who walked on a high wire between the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York in 1974. I actually really enjoyed it! I liked having a picture to look at to help my mind stay on track with what I was reading.

For the first time in my entire life, I felt like I actually enjoyed what I read. This has grown into a fondness for juvenile biographies. I guess it’s never too late to learn to appreciate reading, even if they are picture books.

Thanks, Emily

This gal is more sister than friend. We shared classes in community college, exchanged letters when we lived far away, attended each other’s weddings, babysat each other’s children, and carried each other through illness and adversity. But the remarkable thing about Emily is that she treats everyone she meets with this same level of care and devotion. If you know her, I’m certain she has blessed your life in one way or another. Thank you, Emily, for sharing your experience with reading!



  1. Melinda Christensen

    Emily’s honesty is very refreshing! It is fantastic that she has found that reading can be edifying and fun as well as informative. A whole new world is opened up when reading is discovered!

    • tawnyember

      Yes! I so appreciate her perspective. There truly is something for everyone when it comes to reading. I’m proud of you for trying something new, Emily!


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