Rekindling reading relationships

Back to School: Supply Your Kids with Sticky Notes
Back to School: Supply Your Kids with Sticky Notes

Most people have found Post-It Notes to be useful for jotting down grocery or to-do lists, reminders, and notes for friends or family members. But if you haven’t discovered the power of using sticky notes as bookmarks, you are in for a treat!

Let Them Read Comics
Let Them Read Comics
Parent Perspective: Nitza


"Reading with my girls has given us an excuse to snuggle on the couch, to unwind, to laugh and cry together, to learn, implement and improve our lives."

Connecting with Your Own Story
Connecting with Your Own Story

Some children just don’t connect with reading the way others do. They’re not interested in it for school, for fun, or for any other reason. They might claim it is too boring or too hard. If this describes your child, I’d like to offer a few ideas for you to try

How to Create a Reading Haven
How to Create a Reading Haven
Switch it Up
Switch it Up

If you aren’t happy with how things are going, I encourage you to try a new approach. Please remember that doing things differently from other families does NOT mean you’re failing in any way. It means you are tailoring your reading to your children’s needs and being a great parent.

Parent Perspective: Nitza


"The hope is that these books will take them on adventures, make them laugh out loud, teach them something new, help them view the world through someone else’s eyes, and develop their love of reading."

Ex Libris
Ex Libris

The bestowal of books, of stories, of words is incredibly meaningful to me. It is the offering of communication and learning, the opportunity for cuddles and closeness, the promise of time spent together imagining, adventuring, feeling.

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In the past, I shared some of my personal memories and essays with you. As fun as that was, I have been feeling a nudge to switch gears. My goal is to do more than entertain; I want to help fellow parents in the trenches. Yes, you with your sleeves rolled clear to your shoulders. You with the worry braided through your body. I will still be sharing plenty of stories! But they will be directed toward a specific topic which is dear to my heart: lovingly leading children to literacy.

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